A TV anime adaptation of the Nejo Oji: The Guy that got Reincarnated as a Cat has been announced to premiere in October 2024 on Fuji TV’s “POKAPOKA” variety program. The announcement was made during the Fuji TV 2024 anime lineup press conference event.
A teaser visual and PV trailer featuring the main character as a human and feline were released.
Rio and Takahiro Kawakoshi (Golden Kamuy seasons 1-2 assistant director) are directing the short anime series, with EIGHT COLORS as the animation production company.
Yajima’s original web manga series was first released on their Twitter account in February 2023. Kadokawa Shoten later serialized the manga on its KadoComi website on October 2, 2023. A single tankoubon volume has been released as of December 2023.
The Nejo Oji: The Guy that got Reincarnated as a Cat manga was also nominated at the Ninth Next Manga Awards in 2023, placing second overall under the Web manga category. The web manga can be read for free in English on the series’ official Twitter account.
The main story follows an ordinary old man who is suddenly reincarnated as a cute cat. He is then adopted by the president of the company he works for.
Source: Yajima Official Twitter Account, Noitamina Official Youtube Channel