Udon Entertainment Launches “Manga Biographies” Series with 1st Book on Peanuts Creator Charles M. Schulz

Udon Entertainment has announced the launch of a new line of manga titles called Manga Biographies, starting with a book focused on the life of Peanuts creator Charles M. Schulz

The publisher describes the book as an authorized 168-page manga biography focused on the life of Charles M. Schulz, written and illustrated by Yuzuru Kuki. It explores Schulz’s life, from his early youth growing up in Minnesota, to a burgeoning love of drawing and his time in the army, to becoming one of the most recognized and beloved cartoonists in the world. It also touches on many real-world historical events that impacted Schulz’s life, and the ways Peanuts impacted those events. 

manga biographies charles m schulz front covermanga biographies charles m schulz front cover
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The book will also include archival photos, extra information on Schulz, and a bibliography for further reading. 

Manga Biographies: Charles Schulz will be released in stores in October 2024. Special advance copies will be sold at San Diego Comic-Con, available at the Peanuts booth at the event.

Udon Entertainment’s Manga Biographies series explores the fascinating lives of legendary figures who accomplished extraordinary feats, told through Japanese manga storytelling. Future installments will be released from the publisher approximately three times per year. 

Source: press release

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