Princess Resurrection manga creator Yasunori Mitsunaga launched a new mystery manga series in the January issue of Shonen Gahosha’s Monthly Young King magazine on Saturday. The manga Kan Tantei D&W features two characters, Jurō and Hisato. Jurō is a man with a sensitivity to the smell of blood while Hisato is the reclusive shut-in for certain reasons. The first story follows the murder case of a popular idol with the duo trying to find the real culprit.
Del Rey published the Princess Resurrection manga in North America. Sentai Filmworks will be re-releasing the television anime version of Princess Resurrection with an English dub on DVD on January 17. Originally released by ADV Films, Sentai Filmworks licensed the show in 2010 and released a Complete Collection with English subtitles only. Sentai Filmworks noted that Steven Foster is directing the new English dub.
Source: ANN