The official website for the Eureka Seven: Astral Ocean (Eureka Seven Ao) project announced on Friday in Japan that a television anime version will air starting in April 2012. The anime studio BONES will return to animate the sequel series. The February issue of Kadokawa Shoten’s Monthly Shōnen Ace magazine is announcing on Monday that Eureka Seven Ao, a manga sequel to the Eureka Seven television anime series, will launch in the next issue on January 26. The “real mecha epic” will center around a boy named Ao who “set ‘destiny’ in motion again when he held the ‘power.'” Artist Yūichi Katō is drawing the manga based on the original story by the anime studio BONES.
BONES created the original 2005-2006 Eureka Seven television anime series, and the series inspired the 2009 anime film Eureka Seven – good night, sleep tight, young lovers. Bandai Entertainment released both anime projects in North America. Bandai Entertainment also released the main Eureka Seven manga adaptation by Jinsei Kataoka and Kazuma Kondou, and the Eureka Seven: Gravity Boys & Lifting Girl manga spinoff by Miki Kizuki.