Samurai Champloo Synopsis: Mugen and Jin may both be warriors but that is where their similarities end. Mugen is an unshaved, unwashed, sarcastic...
Anime Series
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Basilisk Synopsis: The year is 1614 AD. Two warring ninja clans, each supporting a son of Hidetada Tokugawa as the next shogun, send ten...
Trigun Synopsis: Debuting over Japanese television under the title Toraigan in 1998, the half-hour animé series Trigun was, like so many others in...
Blood C
Blood C Synopsis Ukishima Shrine is located in an old, picturesque lakeside town. Shrine maiden Kisaragi Saya lives there along with her father,...
Afro Samurai
Afro Samurai Synopsis Afro Samurai follows a warrior on the path to avenge his father's murder. Set in feudal Japan, this anime series depicts a...
Stein’s Gate
Stein's Gate Synopsis: A group of friends have customized their microwave into a device that can send text messages to the past. As they perform...