Kohei Horikoshi’s My Hero Academia is all set to end on Aug 4, 2024. As the series concludes, a wave of heartfelt messages from fellow mangaka has flooded the pages of Weekly Shonen Jump, expressing their gratitude and admiration towards Horikoshi for the series that has captivated readers for nearly a decade.
Authors such as Eiichiro Oda, Akutami Gege, and many others have shared personal anecdotes about how the series impacted their own work and lives.
Horikoshi himself expressed his gratitude for the overwhelming support and shared his joy at having been able to tell the story within the pages of Weekly Shonen Jump.
“I’m really happy to have experienced all of this in Jump! I’m glad so many people have read the series! Thank you very much!“
Checkout the messages from Shonen Jump authors below:
- Eiichiro Oda (ONE PIECE)
“So you can play ‘Pokemon Go’ all you want now, huh? Horikoshi, thank you for 10 years of hard work and serialization!“
- Kenta Shinohara (WITCH WATCH)
“Horikoshi-sensei, thank you very much for hard work serializing under such a deal of pressure on your shoulders. Please make sure to get a good rest. Still, I will miss you.“
Source: X