Justeen Super Robot anime by AIC

AIC, the anime studio known for Tenchi Muyo!, El Hazard, Strike Witches 2, Oreimo, and other titles, is producing a super robot anime titled Justeen. The story is set in the future when a new threat attacks humans just as they are expanding their presence into space. Now, an enigmatic entity from 17 years ago has been set free, and the name of the entity is Justeen.

Justeen Super Robot
Additional Information:

The Japanese entertainment and sound production company Studio Noix is holding auditions for the protagonist, Taiga Amakake. Taiga is a 16-year-old first-year high school student who feel pressure from being compared to Seiga, his older brother with a promising future. Candidates, regardless of professional/amateur status, age, or gender, can apply, and the deadline is October 18.

Source: ANN