Japanese publisher Kodansha, known for publishing popular manga like Akira, Sailor Moon, Attack On Titan, Blue Lock, among others, is set to host its first-ever immersive pop-up event in New York City this October.
The event, titled Kodansha House: Where Manga Meets, will open on Oct 4, 2024, at 45 Grand Street in SoHo. The pop-up will run from Wednesdays to Sundays, from 12 p.m. to 9 p.m., throughout the entire month of October.
According to Kodansha, the pop-up will offer fans a unique space to celebrate manga through interactive exhibits, and other activities. Visitors can explore a gallery, café, lounge, and a manga library inside the pop-up.
Some of the attractions include the Akira Slide Photobooth, where fans can recreate the famous bike scene from the movie, and the Attack On Titan Photobooth, which allows visitors to interact with a scaled model of the walled village from the series.
Kodansha House will also host a range of events, such as live discussions, trivia nights, and the Toast of Tardiness Challenge, as well as a fun-filled speed-friending event for fans to find their perfect manga-loving match, and movie screenings.
The screenings will feature fan-favorite titles like Akira, Blue Lock, Ghost In The Shell, and Blame!.
Moreover, four renowned manga creators, Shuzo Oshimi, Tsubasa Yamaguchi, Makoto Yukimura, and Kamome Shirahama, will be making appearances at the pop-up to meet with fans and participate in Q&A sessions and signings.
Source: Press Release