Two new voice cast members are joining the upcoming A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School! TV anime series, which will begin broadcasting in...
Anime News
Beyond Journey’s End Part 1, Tokyo Ghoul 10th Anniversary & More
Crunchyroll has revealed its upcoming home video releases throughout December 2024, which is highlighted by the release of the Tokyo Ghoul...
Blue Lock Season 2 Releases New PV Trailer Spotlighting U-20 Japan Match & Ending Theme
A new PV trailer has been released for the upcoming second season of Blue Lock, which will premiere in Japan for 14 episodes on October 5,...
Loner Life in Another World Reveals New Visual, Trailer & More Cast
A second new key visual and PV trailer have been revealed for the upcoming Loner Life in Another World TV anime series, which will begin...
Is Takaba Dead Or Alive In Jujutsu Kaisen?
Have you ever had a fever dream—one so absurd that it defies all logic? That’s exactly how the majority of the Takaba vs. Kenjaku fight in...
Crunchyroll Announces Lord of Nazarick, An Overlord Mobile RPG
Crunchyroll and A PLUS JAPAN have announced the fall 2024 global release of Lord of Nazarick, a mobile turn-based RPG based on the Overlord...
Requiem for Vengeance’s Opening Battle Has Been Released
One month away from the premiere of Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance, Netflix has released the opening scene from the 3DCG series to whet the...
[Exclusive] Sony YAY!’s Naruto Broadcast Becomes Massive Hit With Over 63 Million Viewers In India
Iconic anime series Naruto has achieved unprecedented success on Sony YAY!, amassing over 63.2 million viewers across India on their channel...