Bandai Visual's Lantis label began streaming a 21-second television commercial for Manabu Ono and Sunrise's Kyōkai Senjō no Horizon (Horizon on the...
Horizon on the Middle of Nowhere’s TV Ad
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Bandai Visual's Lantis label began streaming a 21-second television commercial for Manabu Ono and Sunrise's Kyōkai Senjō no Horizon (Horizon on the...
This week, the broadcaster Nagoya TV began streaming the first episode's preview for Battle Spirits: Heroes, the latest television anime series...
Bandai Visual's Lantis label began streaming a new 138-second "Horizon" promotional video for Manabu Ono and Sunrise's Kyōkai Senjō no Horizon...
The American video website Hulu is streaming two English-subtitled trailers for Sunrise's Sacred Seven television anime series. The "new school...