Indian anime fans have something exciting to look forward to in the upcoming Mumbai Comic Con 2024, which will be held on April 20 & 21. The event will be graced by Natsuki Hanae, the voice actor behind the Tanjiro Kamado from Demon Slayer, and producer Yuma Takahashi.
Natsuki Hanae and Yuma Takahashi will be having a panel and exclusive session organised by Crunchyroll at the event.
Adding to the excitement, every attendee of Mumbai Comic Con 2024 will receive an exclusive copy of Dragon Ball-Z vol 1, along with a Limited Edition DC Comics Batman Poster and a commemorative Comic Con India swag Bag.
Jatin Varma, Founder of Comic Con India, expressed his excitement, stating, “Comic Con is back in Mumbai! We cannot wait to host some of the most passionate fans of the country again. This is our biggest show in the city yet, showcasing the best of Indian comics, fan experiences, cosplay, gaming, geeky shopping and so much more. We look forward to welcoming Mumbaikars.. back to witness this immersive and larger-than-life weekend with us”.
Comic Con India (CCI) is a series of annual comic-based conventions held in India. The first edition was held in New Delhi in 2011 and over the years has expanded to other major cities in India such as Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune, Hyderabad and Ahmadabad.
Jatin Varma, the founder & managing director of Comic Con India, launched the first comic con in India in Delhi in 2011.
Source: Press Release