A TV anime adaptation of Masakuni Igarashi‘s Mattaku Saikin no Tantei to Kitara manga series has been announced with a 2025 release date, teaser trailer, and teaser visual.
The Mattaku Saikin no Tantei to Kitara anime will be directed by Rion Kujo (The Legendary Hero Is Dead!, Wanna be the Strongest in the World!). Junichi Suwabe and Kana Hanazawa are voicing the main characters Keiichiro Nagumo, a once-great detective whose glory days are now behind him, and Mashiro, a high school girl who aspires to be his assistant, respectively.
The manga series started serialization in KADOKAWA’s Dengeki Maoh in 2016 and has 14 volumes as of July 2023.
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Source: @mattan_anime (via Comic Natalie)