Anime Girls Hang Out in Real-World Playground in “Loop Girl” Music Video

Back in July, the ending credit sequence of SHOSHIMIN: How to become Ordinary and the first opening sequence for Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! treated viewers to the sight of anime characters in real-world environments, with the execution ensuring frictionless intersection between the 2D and 3D dimensions. If you were hankering for more of that, you should give Kairi‘s recently released “Loop Girls” music video a watch.

“Loop Girls” depicts a number of anime girls — including a spaced out office lady — at a neighborhood playground. At the start, the characters mainly interact with motionless objects, but the video later delivers footage of girls on swings, spring riders, a rotating climber, and a stand-up spinner.

If you’re interested in the song, which sung by Nagi Nemoto and written and composed by Amane Uyama, it’s up on various digital platforms.

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Source: Kairi YouTube channel

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