Anime horror director Saku Sakamoto will be working on a new short film, titled Calabi-Yau no Sukima. The ominous teaser visual for the movie features a girl standing in front of a giant hatched egg in a classroom, with a humanoid creature casting its shadow on the floor.
According to a post on the official website, the “Calabi-Yau” in the title refers to the sixth dimension that cannot be perceived by humans. The word was previously used by Sakamoto for 2023’s The Feast of Amrita. Calabi-Yau no Sukima appears to share its setting, as the visual notes the presence of a familiar apartment complex beyond the windows of the classroom.
The new title’s announcement comes on the same date as the release of The Feast of Amrita on rental and download services. Meanwhile, the “refined edition” of 2018’s Aragne: Sign of Vermillion, which was also released in theaters in 2023, debuted on subscription services. The Feast of Amrita is its prequel.
Like his previous works, Sakamoto will be credited not just for direction and original creation, but also animation production, screenwriting, original creator, and music composition for Calabi-Yau no Sukima.
HIDIVE streams Aragne: Sign of Vermillion and The Feast of Amrita. The latter is described as:
On their way home from high school, Tamahi and some classmates are shocked as they witness someone fall from the rooftop of a nearby apartment. Panicked and confused, they rush to the building only to find it deserted. As Tamahi wonders about this, she has the uneasy feeling that they are being watched. What is the strange presence around her…
The Feast of Amrita had Maaya Uchida as the voice of Tamahi, Mamiko Noto as Aki, and MoeMi as Yuu. Kana Hanazawa voiced Aragne: Sign of Vermillion heroine Rin.
Sources: @ara_mushi, Comic Natalie