Kazuki Ura on Voicing Yoichi Isagi and BLUE LOCK Season 2

At Anime Expo 2024, Anime Trending had the opportunity to interview Kazuki Ura, the voice actor behind Yoichi Isagi, the main character of the hyper-sports anime series BLUE LOCK. Ura provided some details behind the production as well as the impact of the series overall. In addition, he also shared his thoughts on the recently released BLUE LOCK Episode -Nagi- movie and his excitement for the upcoming second season

BLUE LOCK’s concept of a ruthless training facility to create the ultimate striker is quite intense. What are your thoughts about this type of setting?

Kazuki Ura: At first, as the viewer, we don’t understand why they are making them do the things that they do. It may seem cruel and hard to understand, but when you watch the whole series or when you learn more about the series and Ego-san’s thoughts, you start to realize how it actually connects to deeper parts of soccer and how to become number one in your own mind. So, connecting the dots throughout the series is very interesting.

What aspects of Isagi’s personality do you find most interesting to portray?

The most interesting aspect to portray is the transformation from the shy, kind Isagi to the egoistic, overconfident side. I’m always trying to find a way that I can best portray that transition and that transformation, overcoming the challenges and putting the puzzle pieces together episode by episode, so I put a lot of those thoughts into the voice acting as well.  

The movie BLUE LOCK -Episode Nagi- shifts the focus to other characters. What was it like taking a step back from voicing the main protagonist and viewing the events of BLUE LOCK from another perspective?

It was a little weird not seeing my character as the protagonist, but it was interesting to see how Isagi was viewed from a different perspective through another character. So in season 1, a lot of Isagi’s inner monologue and maybe thoughts of weakness were more apparent. However, in the movie, he was kind of portrayed as this very powerful last boss to Nagi on the field. It was interesting to also think back on my voice acting through season 1 and how it came full circle watching the movie. I also think it ties in very well with how season 2 is going to go and how the voice acting will also become even more polished. 

What message do you hope viewers take away from Isagi’s journey toward becoming an egoist?

One message that I would like viewers to take away is that it’s okay to fail, it’s okay to try, and it’s okay to fail and get back up again, and keep trying. I think that a lot of people give up their dreams along the way because they can’t reach 100%, but it’s not about the 100%, it’s about the journey and what you learn. It doesn’t matter what others think about you or if they laugh at you. It’s about your ego and how you’re going to get back up and do it all over again. So I’d like viewers to relate to me through Isagi’s character and to follow their dreams through finding their ego. 

You have attended Anime NYC and now Anime Expo. What are your thoughts on your interactions with overseas fans so far?

The way that the crowd shows the love and energy the way that they do out here internationally is so different compared to Japan and the crowd in Japan. Seeing the different reactions and also how special anime is, and to take it a step further, how special BLUE LOCK is to the international crowd, and being able to feel their energy was so special. I’m very, very happy that I was able to go on this trip. 

Would you like to share anything with BLUE LOCK fans in anticipation of season 2 this fall?

Season 1 was obviously great, but for season 2, the senseis of the original work came to the animation team and to the voice actors as well. They said that they put everything, all their effort on the line for season 2. They were very, very passionate about it, so they wanted us to have that same attitude and portray that energy into season 2 as well in whatever we did. So I felt that, and I’m very sure that season 2 is going to exceed all the expectations that fans have. It’s going to be a really spectacular season, so I’m really excited for the fans to see it.

The first season of BLUE LOCK is available on Crunchyroll.

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