Toei Animation has announced a four-player co-op survival horror game called Noroi Kago: The Grudged Domain (Noroi Kago: Gegege no Yoru in Japanese). The game will debut at Tokyo Game Show 2024 and is currently scheduled for a 2025 Steam release.
In Noroi Kago: The Grudged Domain, players will have to escape from “an enclosed space in which yokai roam” while being afflicted by a curse that “gradually eats away at their bodies before turning them into half-demons.” Ritual items are needed for the escape, and their locations will change with each match. There will also be items with other functions like holding off the yokai or reviving other players.
The art style of the game — which is co-developed by Toei Animation and Toydium — is described as being inspired by GeGeGe no Kitaro creator Shigeru Mizuki and is meant to have “strong contrast between light and shadow.” Kitaro makes an appearance in the teaser trailer and one of the Steam store page screenshots.
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Source: Press release